Consultants and trainers

Workplace Strategies for Mental Health provides hundreds of free tools. Consultants and trainers asked us to highlight the resources most relevant to their roles.

Conversation starters for teams

These questions can help open up a conversation that can foster and improve psychological safety among your team members.

Review questions

Free workshop materials

Use these free workshop materials to facilitate a session that will help participants gain tools and knowledge to make it easier for decision-makers to say yes to psychological health and safety at work.

Motivating the powers that be

Free workshop materials

These workshop materials and personal stress tools can help develop skills to identify and manage responses to everyday stressors.

Name, claim and reframe

Stop doubting yourself and kick the impostor to the curb

Self-doubt and impostor syndrome might be tricking you into believing that you aren’t enough  or deserving of success. Learn what impostor syndrome is, what triggers it and how to address it, in a 10 minute microlearning module.  

Recognize your worth

Learn what emotions are trying to tell you

Both positive and negative emotional responses can be a form of communication. To better understand how emotions can play a vital part in how we interact with others, complete this microlearning module. It’ll only take 10 minutes! 

Understand the function of emotions

Do you know what your window of tolerance for stress is? 

Understanding your window of tolerance and what shapes it can help you learn to better manage your stress. And now, you can start learning this skill in around 10 minutes with this new microlearning module.  

Learn more about your window of tolerance