Yes, these resources really are free!

Workplace Strategies for Mental Health resources are available to anyone, anytime, at no cost. You can use any of the workshops, presentations and guides as provided. You have permission to use the workshops, presentations and guides, provided.

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Workplace Strategies resources really are free

Watch this 1-minute video to learn why! | video on YouTube


Are these resources really free?

Yes, all resources on the Workplace Strategies for Mental Health (Workplace Strategies) website are available to anyone, anytime, at no cost. You can find these free resources at Assessments, tools and workshops.

How do I credit/acknowledge the source for the resources I use?

We have credited the sources where applicable for content from external researchers and organizations and ask you to do the same for any content you reproduce. For any content that does not contain acknowledgement wording, please use Workplace Strategies’ standard wording:

This material is brought to you by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health, compliments of Canada Life.

If you are unsure of how to credit any content, please contact us – we’re happy to help!

We want to make it easier for you to share our free resources on your website or in your e-newsletters. Sharing resources provides templates for sharing Workplace Strategies resources.

Can I print the materials and distribute them to clients?

Absolutely! We encourage you to share Workplace Strategies materials with anyone who is interested or needs our resources.

Can I charge for my services when using these resources?

Yes, you can charge for any of your hard costs, such as room rental and printing, as well as services such as your time to prepare and facilitate workshops or sessions. You cannot charge fees for the use of the free resources available from this website. You also need to provide acknowledgement that these resources are from Workplace Strategies for Mental Health, compliments of Canada Life. Have more questions or concerns? For any questions, please contact us – we’re happy to help!

Can I adapt the materials for my own purposes?

We encourage sharing, printing and downloading of our materials, but we do not allow the contents of our materials or our website to be modified in any way without express written permission. Your own materials can be used to supplement or support the resources we offer. See also Legal information.

Contributors include:Mary Ann Baynton


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