Alex Kollo Alex Kollo Coaching and Tools

Coach, Workplace Mental Health, and Wellness Specialist

Alex Kollo is a workplace mental health and wellness specialist and certified personal and business performance coach who works with organizations and individuals who aim to unlock their unique talents and strengths to achieve extraordinary results. With a background in diversity and inclusion, workforce development and workplace mental health, Alex has consulted for clients such as the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the Canadian Mental Health Association, Canada Life and other leading organizations aiming to create a productive and mentally healthy work culture.

Summary of contributions

Explore what impostor syndrome is, what triggers it and how to address self-doubt...

Working from home comes with unique challenges. Learn strategies to support your well-being while...

Tips to enhance the orientation or onboarding process for new employees or those taking on new...

Explore how you can proactively remove barriers and support inclusion and accessibility for clients...

This resource helps to assess how employees experience being a member of your team...

Explore how you can navigate change to help you accept and adapt to changes beyond your control...

Get tips to make a great first impression while managing the stress and demands of a new job...

Learn how to show your employees you’re trustworthy by exploring these core competencies and...

When people come to you with suggestions or requests, taking the time to understand where they are...

Learn about the responses to grief and ways you can cope after the death of a loved one or another...

This process is used in collaboration with adult team members to develop their own agreement about...

Learn strategies you can put in place to protect the mental health of isolated workers...

Loneliness is directly linked to health, life and work satisfaction outcomes. Learn strategies for...

Learn how you can assess and take action to ensure diversity and inclusion...