Invite solutions

An emotional intelligence activity about inviting solutions to convey a  sense of trust and respect in a team.

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Managers can be in a difficult position in the workplace: when there are urgent deadlines or other work pressures, the impact on managers can often be as great, or even greater, than the impact on other workers.

In times of stress, it can be natural to take a more directive and involved approach than you might normally. Some managers take on more of the work themselves during challenging times, rather than involving the team. In periods of stress, however, the time invested in involving workers in decision-making and problem-solving can enhance productivity, innovation and engagement. By inviting solutions from your team, you are also conveying a strong sense of trust and respect, which can make employees feel good and work harder.

Think of a situation where you invited solutions from your team. Describe the situation. 

What approaches did you take that worked well (e.g., the questions you asked, how you communicated trust in employees, whether you delegated some responsibility to others)?

How did this approach positively impact employees? Think about what they communicated verbally? Nonverbally? What was the impact on productivity? Engagement?

How did this approach affect you, your stress levels, and your effectiveness?

Think about upcoming situations where you could actively invite solutions from your team.



Contributors include:Dr. Joti SamraMary Ann Baynton

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