Each of these activities contributes to personal as well as professional growth and development. Doing them together as a team benefits the organization as well as the individual members.
Deal with worry
This team-building activity helps build effective problem-solving skills to reduce the stress that worrying can cause.
Identify your interaction style
When placed in stressful or taxing workplace situations, we can sometimes gravitate toward certain “default” styles of interacting with others.
Identify your values
It can be helpful to identify the workplace values important to you, now and to consider how they relate to your goals as a manager.
Mindful minutes to destress
This team-building activity helps team members develop skills for calming the mind, improving focus and reducing stress.
React to change
This team-building activity can help develop awareness of how we react to change.
Also check out Team resilience to understand more about why this concept can support high functioning teams.