Maureen McKenna

Certified Management Consultant, Return on Energy


"Building on 30 years of business experience, Maureen helps her clients focus on employee engagement, embrace change and use innovative practices. She is well respected by her clients for her ability to challenge their mental models, helping them to successfully reframe from traditional problem solving to focusing on their strengths and create innovative and sustainable solutions. She helps clients create a psychologically safe work climate, where staff confidently innovate, failing fast while learning and being accountable for their outputs. Maureen uses the leading-edge, positive change management approach called Appreciative Inquiry. Maureen has been in the field of Appreciative Inquiry for more than twenty years and is known as a leader in this field. Maureen is certified in the Situational Outlook Questionnaire® (SOQ), measuring people’s perceptions of the climate for creativity, innovation, and change in their immediate working environment. The SOQ is used to help foster and maintain a climate that can support innovation and change. "

Summary of contributions

Self-employed, gig workers and independent professionals have unique stressors that need to be...