Independent professionals, consultants, gig workers and freelancers

Self-employed, gig workers and independent professionals have unique stressors that need to be addressed to provide a healthy work-life balance. In consultation with independent professionals, free resources, tips and strategies are provided.

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Independent professionals include those who are self-employed, work from home or remotely, and often work in isolation. While working in isolation could be either a choice or necessity, it may present unique challenges to physical, mental and professional well-being. Here are some valuable insights and suggestions to balance these challenges with the potential benefits of independent work.

Common challenges

Working as an independent professional, consultant, gig worker or freelancer is an attractive option for some people. It can offer a greater degree of independence, autonomy, flexibility, and work-life balance. Some independent professionals find their career very fulfilling and are able to achieve work-life balance, but others can find it difficult to manage the unique challenges and stressors of this kind of work. 

Working in isolation can present many challenges, like:

  • Concern your work is not taken as seriously as it would be if you were a full-time employee in an organization.
  • Worries about finding enough work to support yourself and any dependents.
  • Stress about not having enough money to survive potential disabilities or illnesses that result in inability to work.
  • Actual or perceived lack of resources, support or professional development opportunities.
  • Lack of recognition, support or praise from others.
  • Chronic stress because you must be accessible and find it difficult to disconnect from work, or feel you need to constantly be creating and hustling.
  • Feeling excluded from strategy and planning meetings, or policy agendas.
  • Concerns about getting bad reviews or not being paid by clients.
  • The unique challenges that come with Working from home, like establishing boundaries and routines, workplace social connections, and caregiving 

Many independent professionals recognize these challenges and develop their own solutions. There are also those who push through. This puts  their own physical, mental, and professional well-being at risk.

Shared solutions

While some of these concerns may never completely disappear, many independent professionals have found ways to minimize the impact or shorten the duration of distress. What follows is a series of tips and strategies, often from those who learned them the hard way. They focus on both practical strategies and well-being tips. 

Not all will work in all situations, so consider what might benefit you and begin to incorporate them into your current processes. When you have capacity, you can then add more. 

Tips for managing on your own

While some independent professionals are inclined to jump right in and start doing the work they’re passionate about, early planning can help prevent challenges later.

Starting out

  • Know what you do well and where you may need advice or support. Leverage the experience of colleagues and online learning opportunities. 
  • Find your purpose and why you’re doing what you do. This can help with decision making and prioritizing work. 
  • Be clear on what you’re “selling” – how is it of value to others? 
  • Identify income streams and potential clients. Be clear about the kinds of clients you want to work with and plan to pursue.
  • Research the feasibility and typical price structure of your business idea, and create a budget.
  • Avoid charging too little because of imposter syndrome, as it may be difficult to raise prices later.
  • Consider best- and worst-case scenarios and how you can prevent or manage them.
  • Learn how to reach your potential clients effectively – like advertising, email, cold calls, networking and social media.
  • Consider networking virtually, such as with LinkedIn, or through associations or meetups.
  • Create and update a list of providers for services such as software subscriptions, tech repair, transportation, website updates and printing.
  • Take the time to create the best environment for you. Consider: 
    • A comfortable and ergonomic workstation
    • Silence or pleasant background sounds like music
    • Good lighting
    • Exposure to nature
    • Comfortable temperature
    • Minimal distractions
    • Access to water and nourishment.
  • When possible, work in a different space from time to time for a change of scenery. Even moving to a different room in your home or to a café can provide you with a fresh perspective.

Managing money and regulations

  • Know how to register your business with the government, such as applying for tax numbers.
  • Don’t avoid or delay compliance with regulations or professional or reporting requirements, such as taxes and business licences.
  • Seek advice from professionals such as lawyers and accountants early on in your career and take advantage of free guidance from banking, accounting, and legal associations.
  • Begin saving money from day one, even if it’s just a small amount each week. Having some funds set aside can create a safety net and reduce anxiety and overwhelm. 
  • Know what you can write off and keep all receipts and your travel log in one place.  
  • Know and budget for what you want or will need, like: 
    • Personal development courses
    • Technology
    • Promotional items
    • Advertising
    • Office materials and supplies
  • Don’t avoid or deny cash flow issues, no matter how much you dislike this part of your work. Force yourself to review your income and expenses monthly, and do regular cash forecasts.
  • Know what resources are available for a business like yours, such as funding, corporate sponsorship, donations, grants, discounts and memberships.
  • Consider saving yourself time and stress by using services or software that streamline processes. These can include newsletter management, virtual assistants, social media specialists, bookkeepers, web programmers, and – to help with work-life balance – house cleaners, grocery delivery and others.

See Income sources if unable to work for revenue options  if you can’t work.

Many independent professionals struggle with charging what they are worth, collecting payment in a timely manner or meeting the obligations of being a small business owner. The stress from this part of work can be intense. Here are some tips from those who have been there:

  • Develop consistent pricing and billing terms and conditions. If you provide a discount to a client, be clear about your rates and ensure they understand the discount is an exception and not a norm.
  • Get a deposit before you begin work on a project or consider invoicing throughout the project if there will be multiple steps or a long timeline.
  • Bill as soon as a project is completed and ensure you have the correct contact information prior to sending. 
  • Follow up immediately when payment is past due and consider including information on your initial invoice about late penalties.  
  • Invest in systems to support you and make filing taxes easier such as bookkeeping services and accounting software.

Time management

  • Schedule your week first, then your day.
  • Prioritize in a way that works best for you by doing the most complex work when you feel most alert and saving easier or routine work for when you have less energy.
  • Place every potential or actual commitment in your calendar and block time to meet your obligations. This may be paying tax installments, calling clients back, deadlines for project milestones or personal obligations like your family members’ birthdays.
  • Organize every day using lists, reminders or alarms for tasks, phone calls and meetings to keep yourself on track, especially when work or life may cause distractions.
  • Update the next day’s “to do” list as you’re winding down each day.
  • Focus on only one task at a time, and limit the amount of time you’ll spend on it. Consider using a timer on your phone to let you know when the time’s up to help optimize your efficiency.
  • Create and comply with your own work policies to keep a reasonable schedule, such as the hours you’ll work each day, break times and holidays.
  • Set up “out-of-office” notices when you won’t be available due to either personal or professional demands. It can help reduce your stress and manage clients’ expectations for a response.
  • Try to avoid delaying decisions. Making difficult decisions is better than allowing them to stress you out for days or weeks.
  • “Good enough” is often enough to get started – don’t wait for perfection.

Aligning work with values

When starting out as an independent professional, many find themselves chasing every opportunity. This may mean taking any and all work that presents itself, for fear of never getting another offer. This can lead to doing work that is not aligned with your passion, or even your skillset. You may also experience a lack of job satisfaction, poor quality of work, exhaustion or burnout. Here are some ways to remain true to your personal values:

Establish your values

  • Identify your values and reassess them over time. The Identify your values worksheet | PDF may help.
  • Set clear boundaries about what kind of work you will or will not do. These will likely evolve over time and will make it easier to say “No” when something doesn’t feel right. 
  • Clarify what is important for your well-being and protect time for it in your calendar. Like:  
    • Exercise
    • Family time
    • Volunteering
    • Reading
    • Connecting with friends.
  • Plan for resilience to withstand the challenges that may come up and to support your well-being.

Saying no

Just as alignment with our values is a good reason to say no on occasion, it may be a good business strategy to decline work when you really don’t have the capacity to be successful. It can prevent frustration or burnout for you and avoid damaging your professional reputation.

  • Imagine how you might feel taking the project on and how you will feel declining it. Go with what makes you feel empowered and strong.
  • Always follow your values and sense of integrity to say no respectfully. You could say, “I don’t have the capacity to take this on right now,” or “This isn’t a good fit for the direction I’m going right now.”
  • If possible, recommend a trusted colleague or resource that might be a better fit.
  • Before you say no to a project you really want to take on, consider whether there are ways to increase capacity to make it possible – such as outsourcing part of the project.
  • See Before you say no for leaders to learn more.

Reviewing, reflecting, revising

Some people are guilty of working hard without reflecting on or enhancing their approach or outcomes. Taking time to do this regularly can provide you with a process of continual improvement. This can benefit your bottom line, and more importantly, help maintain your passion and job satisfaction.

  • Regularly schedule time to reflect on what you’ve already accomplished and how you addressed challenges.
  • Identify what parts of your work give you the most energy and what parts are more likely to drain your energy. Then, consider how you can have more of what gives you a boost and less of what depletes your resources.
  • Set goals or plans that can provide some passive income.
  • Each day, reflect on those moments when you did well at work.
  • Keep all expressions of appreciation for what you do, whether they’re emails, cards or texts.  Save them somewhere easily accessible so you can review them on hard days.
  • Ask clients and colleagues for feedback and testimonials during and immediately after working together. These make sure your work is recognized and can be shared with potential clients. 
  • Create a vision board or home screen and fill it with images of your goals and desires related to your work and life, to keep you inspired.
  • When possible, take on challenges and go beyond your comfort zone to keep you energized and to support your continued growth. 
  • Recognize what isn’t working and change it or let it go.
  • Be a seeker – look for new solutions, improvements, technology, lessons and other new ways to keep your skills and your work fresh and current.
  • Question your assumptions about ideas, people and strategies. Think outside the box.
  • It’s okay to not always know the answers. In fact, it’s useful to be skilled at asking questions.
  • Recognize any unhealthy patterns and systematically begin to replace them with healthier strategies.

Lifelong learning

One challenge can be the lack of opportunities or resources for ongoing professional development. Learning something can renew your energy and help you stay on top of the latest innovations.

  • Make ongoing education and training a priority to remain current in your field.
  • Explore hobbies or interests that are outside of your field to keep you inspired.
  • Find affordable, low to no-cost sources for learning, such as webinars, audiobooks, online classes, seminars, podcasts, industry magazines and TED talks.
  • Ask if you can shadow someone for skills or work you want to learn more about.
  • Budget for education that will help you explore new opportunities to grow and learn.
  • Be open to trying new things. Don’t assume you know what you like. You might be surprised!

Wellness strategies

The first thing we may neglect when we’re busy or stressed is attention to our physical and mental health. Being aware of this tendency is the first step, but there are many strategies that can further help.

Physical wellness strategies

  • Listen to your body. When you need to, take time to rest and heal. Do not just push through.
  • Consider techniques to improve your posture.
  • Book annual dental, eye, physical, and mental health check-ups when possible.
  • Walk and talk – if your job requires a lot of phone or meeting time, consider walking while talking.
  • Choose exercise you look forward to doing like:
    • Sports
    • Dancing
    • Playing with pets or children
    • Listening to music or audiobooks while working out
    • Whatever it is, make sure it is fun for you
  • Nourish your body with nutritious meals that fuel you throughout the day.   
  • Stay hydrated to prevent headaches and support your energy levels. 
  • Breathe deeply whenever you can to increase your physical energy and improve your focus.
  • For more ideas, see Relaxing break activities.

Mental wellness strategies

  • Become familiar with your stressors. Develop a list of strategies and put them into action to maintain balance when dealing with those stressors.
  • Identify activities that calm your mind and try to do one daily. You might want to:
    • Read
    • Go for a walk
    • Watch television
    • Knit
    • Paint
    • Garden
    • Cook
    • Practice yoga 
  • Take regular, healthy breaks throughout your workday. They can help optimize your productivity.
  •  Use apps that help you relax through guided meditation, mindfulness or music. See Mental health apps for some ideas.
  • Read poetry or inspirational quotations each day.
  • Spend time in or around nature. – Having indoor plants and trips to greenhouses count.
  • Learn to Tame your self talk to be less negative.
  • Write down your thoughts – which may include fears, hopes, dreams, goals or appreciation – to help make them easier for you to understand and manage.
  • Learn more about how to Manage stress.
  • For more ideas, see Energizing break activities.

More strategies to maintain calm and balance:

  • Apply what you already know about self-care and be consistent.
  • Allow yourself time to disconnect from all devices such as your computer and cell phone, every day.
  • Give yourself permission to cry if you need a release of emotion.
  • Create and maintain a social support network. If you don’t have one now, begin reaching out to help others. Those you help now are likely to become supports for you in the future.
  • Specifically share with loved ones the support you need from them and what support you can provide in return.
  • Resist comparing yourself with others. Instead, become the best version of yourself – at work and at home.
  • Don’t be afraid of failure or the opinions of others. Consider failure or criticism as potential learning opportunities on the way to success.
  • Focus on breathing deeply and intentionally releasing negative thoughts and energy before and after client meetings, especially difficult ones.
  • Find ways to stay mentally well – like therapy, spiritual groups and supportive friendships.
  • Trust your intuition and question your fear.
  • Let go of regret, shame and guilt. If there is a need to make amends, do so. But then, move on. These negative emotions serve no other purpose but to help us choose how to be better and do better going forward.
  • For more ideas, see Calming break activities.

Accepting help

You’ve chosen to work on your own, so it’s possible you’re fiercely independent and have trouble asking for help. This can have a negative impact on your ability to bounce back from adversity. We all need help now and then. If you can learn how and from whom to ask for help, you’re more likely to maintain success.

  • Identify or build your support network, like:
    • Family
    • Friends
    • Mentors
    • Collaborators
    • Life coaches
    • Peer supporters
    • Trusted advisors
    • Good listeners
    • Innovators
    • Professionals
    • Volunteer counselors 
  • Know in advance who can provide what kind of help, like: a
    • A supportive ear
    • A kind word
    • A laugh
    • Critical analysis
    • Wisdom
    • Motivation
  • Learn how to ask for help. If asking for help is difficult for you, you might consider why. Are you afraid of placing a burden on someone? Appearing weak? Or are you afraid of being refused, and the hurt that could cause? These tips may help you to phrase your request in a way that helps reduce your hesitancy:
    • You can reduce the fear of refusal by not making it personal. 
      • For example, instead of saying, “Can you do this thing tomorrow?” you might say, “Do you know of anyone who could do this by end of day tomorrow?”
    • Consider stating the task that’s needed rather than making it about you. 
      • For example, instead of saying, “I need you to do this thing for me,” you might say, “This thing needs to be done.” This allows people to step up and offer to help, or not.
  • Let go of past mistakes so you can go on to try new approaches. You can’t change the past, but you can create a better present.
  • Remember challenges you overcame in the past. List the people who helped and the strategies you used. Consider how a similar approach might work for you now.
  • Seek the opinions of those you respect when you feel uncertain about your work. Just talking about the problem out loud may help you find a solution.
  • Reach wide to gather advice and information. Consider all opinions, but then act on what you believe will work for you.

Share this with any independent professionals, consultants, gig workers or freelancers you feel will benefit from it.

Additional resources

  • Future Working: The Rise of European Independent Professionals. This report explores who independent professionals are and the environments in which they work, why they choose to work independently and what factors encourage and what factors hinder their success.
  • Building Resilience. A tool to help you bounce back after a health, personal or work crisis. This resource helps you develop healthy coping strategies to deal with life's challenges.
  • Prevent burnout. Strategies to help identify risks and prevent burnout for yourself.
  • VIA Institute on Character. The VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a simple self-assessment that takes less than 15 minutes and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics.
  • Work-life balance tips. Balancing your work and personal life can be challenging and stressful at times. These tips and strategies can help.
Contributors include:Ann MorganDavid BarnesHayley PeekJalynn BosleyJenise LeeJenn PorrittKeri AlletsonKerri BrockKim SunderlandLesley GreigLeslie BennettLoretta BrillLouisa JewellMackenzie GilmoreMandi Luis-BucknerMaureen McKennaRilla ClarkSajel BellonSarah JennerSarah Smith

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