Family issues

These resources can help you cope with issues that can lead to family breakdown – like divorce, separation, grief and loss. Find out how to help both adults and children better manage stress.

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Separation and divorce

A breakup or divorce can launch you into uncharted territory. Everything is disrupted, like your: 

  • Routine and responsibilities
  • Home
  • Relationships with extended family and friends
  • Identity
  • Sense of certainty about the future

HelpGuide.Org shares how you can care for yourself after experiencing a separation or divorce.

Separation and divorce can be an extremely stressful experience for children and youth. eMental Health offers suggestions parents can use to help their children and youth cope better with separation and divorce.

Loss and grief

At some point in life, we’ll all lose someone or something important to us. Loss brings grief and bereavement. See Loss and grief to learn about common responses to grief and ways you can cope.

Domestic abuse

The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime offers services, information and resources to help victims of crime, including:

  • Women in abusive relationships
  • Men in abusive relationships
  • Children experiencing abuse 

See Someone you care about may be experiencing domestic abuse to help you have a supportive conversation with someone you think may be living with abuse.

Share this resource with anyone who may be dealing with, or helping others with, family issues.

Additional resources

  • Choosing your words. When you choose your words intentionally, you’re less likely to make things worse.
  • Managing stress. Learn how to manage your reactions to stress and protect your well-being.
  • Post-secondary student resilience. This resource helps students learn and choose healthy coping strategies. The rewards include building resilience and minimizing the impact of stressors during college or university.
  • Strengthening relationships. Learn to build, maintain and deepen any relationship for a stronger connection.
  • Supportive conversation library. Find questions and strategies so you can talk to someone you care about on a series of difficult topics like mental health, stress, addiction, anger, abuse or lying.
  • Working from home. Working from home comes with some unique challenges. Learn strategies to support your well-being while balancing your personal and work life.
  • Working parents. Access these resources to support the mental health of working parents and children at all stages of their lives. This information can help you support your children through challenges at home, school and work.
Contributors include:Mary Ann Baynton

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