Career review

Ask yourself these questions about your work history to determine what might help you enjoy work in the future. 

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It’s possible to find deeper meaning and purpose while thriving at work and in life. Use some or all of these prompts yourself or to support someone else. You can start by getting clear about:

  • The value and skills you bring to your work
  • What you enjoy doing
  • The work that feels worthwhile or important to you
  • The conditions that allow you to be at your best

What might help you enjoy work in the future? 

Answer the questions below to help you reflect on:

  • How far you’ve come
  • What you’ve learned so far
  • The strengths you’ve developed 
  • Where you’d like to go next

These questions may also help guide a conversation with someone you trust.

  1. What’s your work history, beginning with your first job?
  2. What skills have you developed throughout your work history? 
    • These can be practical skills, like using a particular software or tools, or so-called soft skills like:
      • Communication
      • Managing change
      • Working in diverse or dispersed teams
  3. What are your greatest professional successes or accomplishments?
  4. What were the greatest challenges you faced at work? How did these help you grow as an individual?
    • It can be helpful to think about the advice you might give to a colleague facing a similar challenge.
  5. What lessons or strategies have you learned from juggling work-life demands or life transitions during your career?
    • Think about any hidden talents or strengths you’ve developed in your personal life that you might also be able to apply at work. You can learn coping strategies with experiences like:
      • Stress
      • Family responsibilities
      • Marriage, separation or divorce
      • A child leaving home
  6. What were you working on when you most enjoyed work?
    • Think about who you were working with, the type of work you were doing and the work environment.
  7. What are the characteristics of co-workers with whom you most enjoyed working?
    • Think about their personality types and communication styles and how they might have impacted the dynamics within the team.
  8. What are the characteristics of the leaders with whom you most enjoyed working?
    • Think about things you can learn about who you’d like to work with or for, or how you’d like to show up as a leader yourself.
  9. What would you like to achieve in your career over the next 1 to 3 years?
  10. How can you move towards your career goals?
    • Think about what you need to learn and who can help you to get there.

Share this webpage with anyone who’s considering a career change.

Contributors include:Workplace Strategies team 2007-2021


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