Envision others' evaluations

Explore why others might perceive you differently from how you describe yourself.

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Explore and reflect

In this activity, you’ll explore how other people might describe you.

  1. Think of someone you really enjoy interacting with.
    • List 3 words they might use to describe you.
    • Consider the extent to which any of these words might be an exaggeration or not true all the time.
  2. Think of someone you do not enjoy interacting with.
    • List 3 words they might use to describe you.
    • Consider the extent to which any of these words might be an exaggeration or not true all the time.
  3. What could you do to change the perception of the person you most like working with to the words in number 2?  might the person you most like working with change their perception of you to the words in number 2? List 3 things you could do that would make them think less of you.
    • By thinking about how you could damage their perception of you, you become aware of what not to do.
  4. How might the person you least like working with might change their perception of you to the words in number 1? List 3 things you could do to increase the likelihood that they have a more favourable perception of you. 

You may find that people you don’t enjoy working with have a more negative perception of you as well. This doesn’t mean you’re at fault. Ask yourself if you act or speak differently around people who seem difficult to you than how you act or speak around people you enjoy.

Why this matters

Our words and actions don’t always reflect what we intended. Whether you choose to change your behaviour or not, part of emotional intelligence is having the ability to be aware of how you influence others’ perception of you.

Take action

Using what you learned above, keep your 3 words from question 1 in mind the next time you interact with someone you find more difficult. Are you able to change their perception of you or to change your perception of them?

Additional resources

Choose your words. Learn how your choice of words can make a difficult conversation even more difficult.

Communicating with clarity. Learn how to adjust the intensity with which you communicate to improve your ability to clearly get your message across.

Strengthening relationships. Learn to build, maintain and deepen any relationship for a stronger connection.

Contributors include:Dr. Joti SamraMary Ann Baynton

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