Envision your ideal self

When you can describe the best version of yourself, you’ll be able to reach your goals more often.

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Why this matters

We all want to be our ideal self. Identifying who we ideally want to be is an important first step. When we choose thoughts, words, behaviours and actions that align with our version of our ideal selves, we begin to live our lives in a way that helps us reach our goal.

We can’t be our ideal self all the time. But, when we recognize what our best self is, we can intentionally strive towards it.

Explore and reflect

List 3 items to describe your ideal self. You can use aspects that matter to you, like trustworthy, competitive or inclusive. For inspiration, check out the complete list in this fillable PDF.

You don’t have to currently have these character traits. These can be traits you’d like to have.

Using your 3 items, describe behaviours and actions you take to reinforce them on a daily basis. You can record this anywhere or use the fillable PDF .

For example,

To be consistently Trustworthy, I will:

  1. Only make promises I know I can keep
  2. Take responsibility when I’m unable to follow through
  3. Take the time to do things to the best of my ability

Take action

Keep your ideas handy to remind yourself, every day, that you can choose to go towards or away from your ideal self.

Contributors include:Dr. Joti SamraMary Ann Baynton

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