Reduce barriers to providing negative feedback

Giving negative feedback is a sometimes unpleasant – but always necessary – part of being a manager. A number of factors can get in the way of providing negative feedback to others. Typically, such barriers relate to managers’ worries about how the feedback recipients will feel or react emotionally, both within themselves and directed outwardly. It is common to be apprehensive that the feedback recipient may turn against you.

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Reflect on the specific barriers that arise for you when you are providing negative feedback or preparing to do so. Complete the following sentences:


I find giving negative feedback to others difficult because



When I am providing negative feedback, I feel



I worry that others will react by



I worry that others will think I am



Now, think about actual recent situations where you have provided negative feedback. How often did others react the way you expected them to? Has there been any ongoing evidence that those individuals think or feel about you the way that you thought they would?

When next providing negative feedback, remind yourself that your worst worries or fears about a situation rarely, if ever, come true. Remind yourself what the most likely outcome will be.


You may also find the information document Provide negative feedback constructively helpful.

Contributors include:Dr. Joti SamraMary Ann Baynton

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