Emotional intelligence self-assessment

This free tool can help you improve your self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. 

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What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is our ability to understand and manage our own emotions as well as identifying and responding effectively to the emotions of others. This can have a positive impact on both personal and professional relationships. It can also help reduce your own stress levels. The free assessment and related activities are designed to help: 

  • Enhance awareness of your emotions
  • Reduce your stress
  • Positively impact those around you
Take the emotional intelligence self-assessment


Based on research by Dr. Joti Samra, RPsych and a team of experts, the emotional intelligence self-assessment tools and resources are effective and easy to use. Use them for personal and confidential learning and development. Your report will include:

  • Suggestions for improvement as well as identifying areas of strength.
  • Free resources to help you develop your emotional intelligence. 

What's included in the assessment?

The Emotional intelligence self-assessment includes 4 key areas. The assessment statements for each section are available if you click on Learn more. Reviewing them before you take the assessment is encouraged because thoughtful honesty will give you the most useful results. 


Self-awareness involves the ability to accurately identify your emotions, understand why you react as you do and recognize the impact you have on others. Learn more about Self-awareness for emotional intelligence.


Self-management involves the ability to effectively regulate stress and appropriately express emotional reactions, whether alone or with others. Learn more about Self-management for emotional intelligence.

Social awareness

Social awareness involves the ability to understand others’ emotions and reactions and respond in a supportive and non-judgmental manner. Learn more about Social awareness for emotional intelligence.

Relationship management

Relationship management involves the ability to communicate in an assertive, respectful and non-defensive manner, particularly when providing feedback or managing interpersonal conflict. Learn more about Relationship management for emotional intelligence.

How can you improve emotional intelligence?

The good news is that it's fairly easy to improve emotional intelligence. Using your self-assessment report there are many free and straightforward activities to help you do this. 

Research indicates we’re much more likely to make effective changes if we write out our goals. Then, we create accountability by sharing those goals with someone – whether it’s a partner, a close friend or a trusted co-worker or manager.

Review your self-assessment report:

  1. Choose one of the 4 areas - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management - you wish to improve. Don't try to take it all on at once. Look through the suggestions under “What can I do differently?” and read or complete the suggested resources provided. 

  2. Write down how you would measure success in improving the statement you have chosen. 

  3. Share this with someone who’ll check in with you after a few weeks to see how you’re doing.

  4. When you feel you’ve improved in that particular area, come back to the report to look for other opportunities for improvement. 

  5. At any time, you can retake the emotional intelligence self-assessment to measure your overall improvement.

Check out Emotional intelligence for employees and Emotional intelligence for leaders for action-oriented  and reflection exercises to help you further refine your emotional intelligence.

How does the assessment work?

  • There are 52 statements in this assessment. It takes about 10 minutes to complete.
  • The statements cover a range of topics about reacting to and managing your own and other's emotions.
  • You will indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each statement.
  • Your answers will not be shared with anyone. Your assessment responses will generate a confidential and informative report of your strengths and areas for improvement in understanding and managing emotions. 
  • The report will highlight free resources relevant to your results. This can be useful for helping you enhance your emotional intelligence.
  • When you are done, please remember to download your report because nothing will be stored on the website

Keep the following in mind

  • Answer based on your personal experiences.
  • Choose the answer that’s usually true for you.
  • This assessment is concerned with your own thoughts, opinions and feelings. If you’re unsure of an answer, please select the option you believe is truest for you, most of the time.

To get the most useful and accurate results, it’s important to answer as honestly as possible.

Take the self-assessment now
Contributors include:Dr. Joti SamraMary Ann BayntonMyworkplacehealth

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