Implementation for psychological health and safety

Learn how to embed psychological health and safety (PHS) approaches at work. These ideas and resources can help the process go smoothly and successfully.

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The National Standard on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace states, “The key to successful and sustainable implementation of this Standard is the involvement of those affected by the changes. Engagement of workers in the development and planning stages must be carried over into the implementation stage to ensure that the changes are communicated effectively and that the process of implementation does not cause undue stress or harm. If done well, the process of implementation can enhance psychological health and safety by increasing a sense of belonging, building positive relationships, and securing commitment to the system.” 

Implementing the standard looks at the process from concept to continual review. In this section, we cover the application phase.

A discussion at work about PHS is the best place to start. You can then embed PHS into policies, processes, and decision-making.

Begin a dialogue

  • Raise awareness of how everyone can contribute to positive change. Do this by openly talking about PHS at work.
  • Keep employee discussions focused on work rather than on health issues.
  • You don't need to be an expert in mental health to discuss and develop PHS solutions at work.
  • Consider the importance of communication and facilitation skills for leading discussions. Check out Facilitation tips for leaders for more help.

Embed policies and processes

  • Make updates whenever policies or processes are reviewed. Ensure they reflect the organization's commitment to a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.
  • Ask the question, "How might this impact PHS?" when looking at new or revised policies.
  • Develop principles that can be applied to all future decisions and discussions. 
  • Psychological health and safety policy recommendations shares examples of how to add policies throughout departments and the employment lifecycle.

Leverage free resources

The Standard includes organizational factors known to impact the PHS of employees.

On the agenda workshop series shares free slide presentations, videos and facilitator's guides. Use them to discuss any psychosocial factor and develop an action plan with your team.

Evidence-based actions for psychological health and safety allows you to choose strategies based on the area you wish to improve. Each topic is one of the factors identified in the National Standard and Guarding Minds at Work. These actions can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to the organization.

Questions to ask

  • Can you share what PHS means in your organization?
  • Have you identified organizational champions and sponsors?  Do they have enough time and resources available?
  • Have you gotten senior leadership commitment?
  • Have you created and shared a policy statement on PHS?
  • Have you established a data collection process?
  • Have you assessed the strengths and weaknesses of your existing programs? Have you assessed organizational policies, processes, and practices that already protect and promote good psychological health?
    • You could use an internal audit for this purpose
  • Have you applied a risk mitigation process? Does it include how to spot hazards, risk assessment, and preventive and protective measures?
  • Have you considered some or all of the work factors in your risk mitigation process?
  • Have you considered confidentiality, diversity, and inclusive participation?
  • Have you considered establishing a PHS work committee?
  • Have you developed procedures and processes for committees?
  • Have you shared your vision for your PHS management system?
  • Have you decided on your goals and targets? Do these include timelines, roles, responsibilities, and resource requirements?
  • Have you created a process to embed preventive and protective PHS measures?
  • Are you clear on your training needs and have you created your training plan?
  • Have you created your communications plan?
  • Is leadership commitment and accountability part of your PHS management strategy?
  • Have you created a corrective action process when outcomes are not as intended?
  • Have you created an incident investigation and reporting process?
  • Do you have a process to monitor the performance of your PHS management system?
  • Do you have a process to make sure you're following the terms of the National Standard?
  • Do you have a management review process for your PHS management system?

From Assembling the Pieces with permission of  Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Group.

Contributors include:CSA GroupMary Ann BayntonMental Health Commission of Canada

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