Evidence-based actions for psychological health and safety

Suggested actions are based on research or practice that can improve each psychosocial factor shown. In most cases, free resources are provided to help you move forward with or without additional funding.

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Choose actions based on the area you wish to improve. Each topic is one of the psychosocial factors identified in the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (Canadian Standards Association, 2013) and Guarding Minds at Work (Samra et al., 2009-2020).

See Psychological health and safety cost benefits to consider the cost of doing nothing.

See Evidence for psychological health and safety for a literature review of studies demonstrating how factors that impact psychological health and safety also have a positive impact on business goals and objectives.

As well as Psychological health and safety statistics for research data that shows how effective psychological health and safety is in the workplace. Statistics for the costs of absenteeism, disability and mental illness are also included.

The following actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to the organization. You can also access our free workshop materials to engage your team in a discussion about any of the psychosocial factors.

Evidence-based actions for:

Other chronic stressors as identified by employees

The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace lists “other chronic stressors as identified by employees” as one of the psychosocial factors that employers need to assess and address. The best way to find out what these chronic stressors is to directly ask your employees, as every work situation is unique. This can be as simple as sending out an email or survey with the following questions with room for employees to fill in whatever response makes sense to them:

  • What are the stressors at work that you are experiencing? Please include both significant stressors and more minor, but chronic stressors.
  • What changes could we make that would have a positive or protective effect on your level of workplace stress?

You can also read more about Sector specific stressors for psychological health and safety which includes potential approaches for first responders, human services professionals, call centre workers, educators, dangerous industry workers, high-tech workers, shift workers and remote workers.

Guarding Minds at Work was commissioned by Canada Life and additional resources are supported by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health.

Explore more information or begin using the survey tools.


  1. Canadian Standards Association (2013). Psychological health and safety in the workplace—prevention, promotion, and guidance to staged implementation (CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ 9700-803/2013).

Contributors include:Mary Ann BayntonPhilip PerczakSarah JennerWorkplace Strategies team 2022 to present

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