Mental health awareness videos

Video interviews with people who experienced mental health issues at work discussing what helped. Their strategies and advice can act as virtual peer support and mental health awareness.

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The original Background of Working through it, launched in 2009, included people sharing their experiences of working through times of mental health pressures at work, off work and returning to work. Since then, life has evolved for the original participants who share what they have learned, and features new participants who share their personal insights. There are also videos on topics such as stigma, disclosure and coping strategies.

All of the following videos are freely shared. You can use them for workshops, e-newsletters, web content or as a link in an email. Our only request is to credit the source as

You can also increase your mental health awareness in 5 minutes a week with the Mental health awareness weekly emails delivered to your inbox. These emails include video clips and practical information about mental health issues.

Personal insights

Bonnie Pedota

This video features the personal story of Bonnie, who experienced debilitating panic attacks. At a time when she felt her worst, Bonnie had to be relentless in finding solutions. She shares the toolkit of ideas she developed to keep herself well. See Bonnie's insights.

Constantin Nastic

Constantin suffered multiple traumas and turned to alcohol and drugs to cope. He eventually reached out to others and reclaimed his faith and hope. It's a journey - Constantin still experiences periods of anxiety and depression but with the right supports, he has been able to recognize the symptoms earlier to minimize the impact of them. See Constantin's insights.

Donna Hardaker

Donna is a management consultant with clinical depression, whose symptoms first appeared as the result of a physical injury. In this video, Donna discusses how she believes she is a constant work in progress. By telling this to herself and others, she has been able to take a traumatic experience and translate it into a new career. She is a role model for others to speak up for what you need, and how you can learn and grow from it. See Donna's insights.

Hazel-Ann Gabriel

Hazel attributed her symptoms to her personal situation and denied it was depression. When she was finally convinced to receive treatment, she developed significantly healthier coping strategies. See Hazel's insights.

Marvin Burr

In this video, we hear from Marvin who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder related to his military service. Today, Marvin uses the skills he learned to help others. He talks about how you can go on and live an enjoyable life when you do the work. See Marvin's insights.

Matthew Dickson

Matthew is an engineer who was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. In this video, he talks about what symptoms he experienced early on before he was diagnosed. He got through it with one small improvement once a week for 24 years - there were times he was close to death to times where he is now thriving. Matthew says most people would be surprised at what they are capable of.

Melonie Long

In this video, Melonie returns to talk to us about what it's been like the past 10 years since we last spoke to her. She explains that the journey is not easy - there are still times where she slips and falters. When she fears she can't go through mental illness again, Melonie remembers she's been there before, and knows the way out. See Melonie's insights.

Nyk Morrigan

As someone who identifies as non-binary, Nyk has had to deal with a variety of stigma and discrimation. The experience of a mental health breakdown helped highlight the importance of weaving in all aspects of who you are to live your most effective life. See Nyk's insights.

Phillipia Wright

In this video, Phillipia shares having experienced postpartum depression twice. She realized she was not herself when she started disconnecting with family and lost her motivation. She knew that this was not the person she was, and reached out for help. Ten years ago, she was afraid to tell her story for fear of being judged. She has returned to give an update on her life, this time more educated and not afraid to tell people what she went through. Her words of advice are to just reach out and never give up because there is hope. See Philippia's insights.

Rosie Pardhan

Rosie is a professional who was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 and again in 2015. During this time, she went through both physical and mental health challenges. Rosie became confused and suicidal as she didn't think she could bear the anxiety and pain. With the support of her family as well as her workplace, she has been able to experience happiness, joy and hope again. See Rosie's insights.

Additional resources

Where to Get Care – A Guide to Navigating Public and Private Mental Health Services in Canada. This Mental Health Commission of Canada guide addresses key questions to help you navigate the public and private options that are available in Canada.


Thank you to the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario and Mood Disorders Association of Ontario for their support on both the original and new version of Working Through It resource, as well as Revivre for their support with development of the French version of Working through it.

Contributors include:Ann MorganBartholomew CampbellBonnie PedotaCanadian Mental Health AssociationConstantin NasticDonna HardakerHazel-Ann GabrielKaren GignacMandi Luis-BucknerMarvin BurrMary Ann BayntonMatthew DicksonMelonie LongMental Health WorksMood Disorders Association of OntarioNyk MorriganPhillipia WrightRosie Pardhan

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