Requesting accommodation

Employees can use this information to request a plan or accommodation to address their workplace issues. This process helps the employee and manager determine what's needed for success at work.

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Accommodation is a human rights issue for employees with disabilities. The employer is required to adjust policies, rules, requirements and/or the built environment to ensure equal opportunities, access and benefits at work. Reasonable accommodation means the employer will take steps to allow employees with disabilities, including mental illness, to do their job. To have an accommodation, you may have to disclose a health condition. Read more about the Legal duty to accommodate.

The following employee plan can help you figure out what changes you may need at work to be successful. It can also be used when workplace issues are hard to resolve.

An employee plan helps you identify what you need to be successful at your job. It’s not a legal contract – it’s a request from you to your employer asking for reasonable changes that will allow you to be successful. The document helps because as you develop it, your suggested solutions are recorded on paper. This gives you and your manager a way to discuss your needs. Other people could help you develop this plan including:

  • Your manager
  • Human resources representative
  • Occupational health nurse or doctor
  • Your union representative
  • A trusted co-worker

Ideally, you’d work together with your manager to develop your employee plan. It doesn’t over-rule any existing company policies, collective bargaining agreements or legislation. It’s developed in good faith with the intention of making you successful at work while maintaining a balance between productivity and health. Your manager may not know how to help you. This process can give your manager ideas that are right for you.

This plan can be an informal way to move forward through workplace issues whether you’re at work or returning to work. It’s recommended that if you’re returning to work, it be done gradually, allowing you to build up your strength and confidence as you get back up to speed.

It’s suggested you and your manager review your employee plan regularly to see if any changes are needed to ensure your continuing success at work.

To see a sample employee plan used successfully by an employee, and to learn more about the process, go to Developing employee plans for leaders. The employee plan is provided courtesy of Mindful Employer Canada.

The employee plan process

The following process is used in a variety of circumstances ranging from everyday issues to complex return-to-work planning. We're sharing this with you to give you a process to help yourself and help your manager to better support your success at work.

The plan asks you to answer 3 questions:

  • What do you need to be successful at your job?
  • How do you want future issues to be addressed, should they arise?
  • For your contribution to being successful at your job, what will you commit to?

What do you need to be successful at your job?

Consider what you think are problems at work. We've given you some ideas and examples below. Also consider what you expect your manager to identify as problems. Then come up with possible reasonable strategies you and your manager can discuss to meet your needs and the needs of the workplace. The examples show possible solutions. Your situation may require different solutions. These examples aren’t the only solutions – they’re ideas to stimulate your thoughts.

  • The way work is assigned. An employee who’s struggling with competing demands at work and last-minute requests from his manager may write in his employee plan:
    •  "I understand the need to be flexible around last-minute client requests. Last-minute requests can interrupt my other tasks. This may cause me to feel overwhelmed because I can’t finish my other duties on time. When my manager asks me to take on a last-minute task, I’ll ask my manager to help me prioritize my other tasks."
  • The way your work is monitored. An employee who describes their manager as a "micro-manager" causing distress:
    • I understand my manager's need to monitor my work for quality and accuracy. When my manager interrupts my work to make changes several times a day, I become agitated and lose focus and confidence in my abilities. I’d like to give my manager regular updates with a schedule that works for both of us. And I’d like my manager to wait until our scheduled meeting to give me feedback or make changes unless the issue is urgent."
    • A different person may welcome the immediate feedback. Another employee may request to receive feedback in writing.
  • The way information and direction are given to you. An employee who has difficulty remembering verbal instructions:
    • "I prefer to get instructions about my tasks in writing. Or the directions can be given to me verbally and I’ll immediately write down what I heard. Then I’ll check back with the person who gave me the directions to make sure I've got it right."
  • The way others interact with you. An employee who regularly cries at work:
    • "I’d like people at work not to worry or react if they see me crying. I’d like them to allow me a few minutes to compose myself. If this happens during a meeting, I’ll excuse myself and return as soon as I can participate calmly in the meeting."

Additional ideas for dealing with stress at work:

  • Planning for them. When you know you may become emotional, plan how you’ll manage tears, frustration or anger and preserve your dignity and well-being.
  • Writing it down. When you write down your fears, hurts or concerns, they often lose their power over you. Instead, you put things in perspective so you can find a way forward.
  • Talking about it. Find a trusted person or professional to share what you’re feeling. Talking about things is often the first step to taking back control of your thoughts, emotions or feelings.
  • Paying attention to what works. When you’ve successfully dealt with a stressful situation or emotion, record what you did. Noting your success is a reward for your success and there for reference when you’re not sure what to do. Acknowledge when you take a step in the right direction.
  • Finding a friend. Having someone at work who understands what you’re going through can be an important source of support. If this isn’t possible, find a friend outside of work you can call when you need support.
  • Taking a break. Use your breaks to go for a walk, find a quiet place to sit or otherwise relax and refocus. Don’t work through breaks and lunch when you’re stressed.
  • Breathing. When we’re stressed or anxious our breathing tends to become shallower. This sends a message to the brain that there’s a risk of dying from lack of oxygen, which in turn creates a stress response. Breathing deeply and slowly helps your body return to a less stressful state.

How do you want future issues to be addressed, should they arise?

You can help your manager by anticipating where you may have difficulty and by giving concrete suggestions on what to do. Here are some examples.

  • If you appear to be distressed or unwell
    • “If I appear to be angry with a raised voice, I’d like my manager to say to me: ‘I notice you seem uneasy. Would you like to continue this discussion at another time?’”
  • If there’s a performance issue that needs to be addressed with you
    • “If my manager notices the quality or quantity of my work is dropping, I’d like my manager to send me an email to ask to speak with me about the specific tasks she’s worried about. Receiving the email will give me time to collect my thoughts before we meet to discuss the problem. Knowing which task is the problem will help me prepare.”
    • Another person may have a different request for the same situation:
      • “If my manager notices the quality or quantity of my work is dropping, I’d like my manager to speak to me face-to-face as soon as possible. It would be helpful if they say, ‘I’ve noticed changes in your work and I’d like us to find a time to talk about it’. I’d prefer my manager not send me an email about it because that will increase my anxiety.”
  • If there’s conflict
    • “When there’s conflict between my manager and me, I ask that we both refrain from speaking in anger. We may need to request to discuss the issue at another time when each of us is calm enough to have a civil conversation.”

For your contribution to being successful at your job, what will you commit to?

Sharing what you’ll do to be successful at work shows your manager you’re engaged in the process and gives you strategies specific to your needs. Here are some examples:

  • An employee who often feels groggy and unwell in the morning and avoids calling his manager
    • “I’ll make every effort to let my manager know if I’m going to be late because I understand not knowing where I am is disruptive to my manager’s day.”
  • An employee who has had emotional outbursts at work
    • “I’ll make every effort to control my emotions at work. If I feel I’m not able to maintain my composure, I’ll remove myself from the workplace for a few moments until I feel in control of my emotions. I’ll leave a note on my chair so people know where I am.”
  • An employee who doesn’t take breaks or lunch
    • “Every morning and afternoon I’ll leave my desk to take a break for 15 minutes. I’ll also take a break at lunch away from my desk. Taking these breaks will help me keep a healthy perspective on my work.”
    • See Healthy break activities for ideas.
  • An employee who gets caught up in work and misses counseling appointments
    • “I’ll leave work to go to my scheduled counseling appointments. I know attending my appointments contributes to my ability to do my job well.”

Thinking about and offering solutions, instead of focusing on problems, is often an effective way to move forward toward a better working situation.

For further help with accommodation, you may want to download and share A tool to support employee success with your employer. The tool can help them help you create an effective plan.

Helping others help you at work

Reaching out for help may feel uncomfortable, but when you’re struggling at work, this may be necessary for your well-being.

The following ideas may make it easier for others at work to help you.

  • Making requests based on what you need rather than focusing on what you think others are doing wrong
    • For example: Instead of saying to your manager, “You need to stop criticizing me all the time.”
      • You might try, “I’m currently having a really hard time dealing with criticism. I’m working on building my confidence. Would you be willing to give me specific direction on what you’d like me to do, rather than focusing on what I’m doing wrong?”
  • Helping people to understand your reaction
    • If you find yourself reacting to workplace situations with anger, frustration or by crying, you can help your co-workers by explaining your reaction.
    • Example 1:
      • You might tell them, “I know I may overreact in certain situations. I’m working hard to increase control of my emotions. Please know my reaction isn’t about you.”
    • Example 2: 
      • “When I’m pressured to work faster and can’t spend time on the quality of my work, I may become upset and start crying. I’m working hard to manage my reaction, but sometimes I won’t be able to completely prevent it. Please ignore my tears.”
  • Asking for help with deadlines
    • Rather than waiting until the last minute and missing the deadline, let your manager know when you’re struggling to get things done.
  • Dealing with gossip
    • Sometimes the best way to deal with gossip is to counter with “positive gossip”. Try talking about what people have done right or well.

Asking for help at work

The following is a list of questions you can ask to get helpful information:

Talking to your manager

  • These things are a problem for me right now. Here are some ideas for what might make it easier for me to do my job. Can you look at them and let me know what’s possible?
  • Can we book some time to talk about my work performance? I’d like your input on how I can better manage my time, prioritize tasks and anything else you’d like me to improve.
  • Can you please let me know if you notice any changes in my performance so we can talk about it?

Talking to your union representative

  • I’m having a really hard time with some issues at work. What does the collective agreement say about this?
  • I don’t think I’m being treated fairly by my co-workers and manager. What are my rights as a union member and who should I talk to?
  • What other ideas do you have about how I might resolve this or make it easier?
  • How can I deal with the reaction of other workers?

Talking to an occupational health physician or nurse

  • This is how I’m feeling at work right now. Do you think it’s health-related? Do I need to make changes at work?
  • What do you recommend I do? What help is available?
  • My family doctor has me on this treatment. Could you look into this and let me know if other approaches could be helpful?

Talking to a human resources representative

  • What does my extended health benefit plan cover?
  • What’s involved in applying for short or long-term benefits?
  • What other benefits does my employer offer?
  • I’m struggling to do my job well. What training and resources are available to me?
  • What do our company policies say about accommodation or discipline?

Talking to a counselor through your Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)

  • How can I deal with problems with my co-workers or manager?
  • What can I do about my financial troubles?
  • What can I do about my family issues?
  • How can I cope with my stressors at work or at home?
  • Where can I get help for my addiction?
  • How can I get help to deal with my fear, anger, frustration, lack of energy (or whatever you’re experiencing)?

This content was developed in collaboration with Mental Health Works and Mood Disorders Association of Ontario.

Share this with anyone who may need to request an accommodation at work.

Contributors include:Mary Ann BayntonMental Health WorksMood Disorders Association of Ontario

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