Referring employees to resources

Tactful words to use when referring employees to mental health resources for a variety of reasons. While the examples use Mental health awareness videos, you can adapt them for any resource.

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When employees are struggling with mental health issues, you may be concerned about invading privacy or being seen as harassing. Providing employees with information about resources or coping strategies can be helpful. You can adapt any of the suggestions provided for an employee assistance program, support group, counselor or other resources.

Making the referral using Mental health awareness videos as an example

The Mental health awareness videos page speaks directly to people struggling with mental health issues through videos and related resources. Review this resource yourself to make it easier to recommend it to your employees.

Every situation is unique depending upon your history with the employee, the nature of your relationship, and current circumstances. Here are a few ways of referring employees to resources like Mental health awareness videos that you may want to adapt for your own use with other resources.


"I was just reviewing the Mental health awareness videos resource. Have you heard of it? It’s for those who may be struggling with work or other issues, and it seems to have some good information. I’m not sure if any of it would be of value to you right now, but I’m happy to send you the link."

Mental health issues

"Sometimes things can seem overwhelming. There’s a resource that includes videos of people who have gone through tough times at work, talking about how they coped, and what they did to get back to a place of wellness. I can send you the link to Mental health awareness videos if you want to see if any of their strategies might be useful for you."

Disability leave

"It can be hard to navigate the disability system, especially when you’re not feeling well. I heard about a resource called Mental health awareness videos where someone from the insurance industry talks about how to get help filling out the paperwork, how to respond to the letters and how to make things happen more smoothly. Do you want me to send you the link?"

Returning to work

"Before you return to work, you may want to hear about how some other people found a way to return successfully that was healthy for them. Mental health awareness videos include their stories and speaks about creating a plan that works for you, talking to co-workers, helping your supervisor help you and coping with any workplace stressors. Would you like me to send you the link?"

Co-worker issues

"It can be tough to work through these types of issues, and the impact on workplace relationships. There’s a resource called Mental health awareness videos where they share approaches to dealing with gossip, conflict and other issues in the workplace. I can send you the link to it if you want to have a look."

Job insecurity

"I remember hearing people in one of the videos on Mental health awareness videos talk about how they dealt with the worry of losing their jobs. They share ideas for dealing with debt issues or replacing income when unemployed. It’s really practical. Do you want me to send you the link?"

Mental health awareness videos is supported by Mental Health Works and the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario, funded through Canada Life’s national corporate citizenship program in support of Workplace Strategies for Mental Health.

Additional resources

We offer many more tools and resources that may be helpful for you. Please check out:

Communicating with emotional employees. These strategies can help you have supportive conversations with employees and avoid triggering negative reactions.

Employee mental health issues. When employees have mental illnesses, effective accommodation can help them stay productive at work. Learn to leverage resources, manage co-worker reactions and support a successful return to work after leave. 

Helping employees to manage change. Any organizational change may have an unsettling impact on employees.  For employees that are managing mental health issues, this can make symptoms even worse. You can help through thoughtful planning, effective communication, and engaging employees in exploring how changes can be handled in a psychologically safe way.

Leader support for employees who are caregivers. Tips to support employees who are caring for loved ones remain productive and healthy. Understanding and flexibility can reduce stress at work for caregivers.

Supportive conversation library. Questions and strategies to help you have a supportive conversation with someone you care about on difficult topics like mental health, stress, addiction, anger, abuse or lying.

Where to Get Care – A Guide to Navigating Public and Private Mental Health Services in Canada. This Mental Health Commission of Canada guide addresses key questions to help you navigate the public and private options that are available in Canada.

Contributors include:Mary Ann Baynton

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