David MacDonald

Student of Massage Therapy, Mohawk College, Mental Health Researcher / Content Creator

David is passionate about health care and health research. He is currently a student of Massage Therapy at Mohawk College, graduating in 2020. He currently works as a freelance researcher and content creator in the field of mental health and psychological health and safety. From his degree in biological anthropology to his studies of massage therapy, David is intrigued in the human body and mind, how it works and why sometimes it doesn't. He loves learning about the body, rehabilitation, psychology, philosophy, culture and science.

Summary of contributions

Lead a team discussion to address psychological competencies and demands in your workplace. This...

Inclusion is now an expectation at work. Learn tips and strategies to help you provide and maintain...

Implement these actions and responses with a minimal investment of resources or cost to the...

The 2021 Psychological Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces survey looked at psychological...

A framework to help your organization prevent discrimination, harassment, bullying, trauma, burnout...

Use these workshop materials to help make it easier for decision-makers to say yes to psychological...

Psychological health means being able to think, feel and behave in a way where we can effectively...

A guide to use the free resources offered to assess and address psychological health and safety...

This includes how to make the business case, get buy-in, communicate your plan, and choose your...

Learn to lead a team discussion to address psychological protection in the workplace. This resource...

Learn how to lead a team discussion to address psychological and social support at work. This...

Learn how to lead a team discussion to address organizational culture at work. This resource...

Suggested actions are based on research or practice that can help mitigate the risk of psychosocial...

This resource helps to assess how employees experience being a member of your team...

How to build resilience and reduce the impact of stressors for post-secondary students. This...

On the agenda offers free materials and facilitator tools to address psychosocial factors. Create...

Address discrimination and promote inclusion through your policies and processes. You’ll help...

The background of Guarding Minds at Work includes the history dating back to before its launch in...

Learn about Guarding Minds and how to use it to take action on psychological health and safety at...

Below, we've included statements from the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey. They are grouped...

The organizational review asks similar questions to the employee survey but is for senior...

Share why and how you’re addressing psychological health and safety (PHS) at work. This can...

You can put these actions and responses in place with few resources and minimal cost to the...

You can implement these actions and responses with few resources and limited cost to the...

Implement these actions and responses with minimal cost to the organization...

Implement these actions and responses at low or no cost to the organization...

Implement these actions and responses at low or no cost to the organization...

Put these actions and responses in place with little to no cost to the organization...

These actions and responses can be put in place with only a minimal investment of resources or cost...

When employees struggle with workload stress, it’s important to focus on easing the stress...

Anger can be a difficult emotion to experience because of your upbringing, societal norms and fear...

Get tips to make a great first impression while managing the stress and demands of a new job...

These resources can help you support an employee to improve their performance and productivity...

A variety of activities are provided to help leaders strengthen their skills in the areas of...

When people come to you with suggestions or requests, taking the time to understand where they are...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve workload management in the...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve balance in the workplace. This...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address recognition and reward in the workplace. This...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address physical safety in the workplace. This...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve growth and development in the...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve engagement in the workplace. This...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve civility and respect in the...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve involvement and influence in the...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve leadership and expectations in the...

Learn how to use appreciative inquiry in your role as a leader, manager or supervisor...

These actions help hold employees accountable to work together in inclusive ways. They do not cost...

It can seem daunting to prioritize and choose those evidence-based actions most likely to improve...

The Stress satisfaction scan is a 6-item employee questionnaire that indicates to what extent your...

Each of the statements included in the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey are grouped by...

Understand and analyze your Guarding Minds at Work report so that you can recommend an effective...

Each of the statements included in the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey are available for...

In this fun activity, the team will learn how to communicate without their message being...

A team-building activity to understand and avoid microaggressions...

Intersectionality focuses on the overlap of various social identities one person may hold. This...

An activity to help recognize how something as simple as colouring can help relax both mind and...

Tips and strategies to make it easier to advocate for the health and well-being of our loved ones...

This activity helps team members to identify and think about specific ways to build their...

Select statements from the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey were identified by the...

Select statements from the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey were identified by the...

Questions related to copyright, customization and functionality of Guarding Minds at Work are...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to


Learn how you can assess and take action to ensure diversity and inclusion...

Review the pros and cons of asking demographic questions in your Guarding Minds at Work employee...

This activity assists team members in developing constructive and...

Learn more about the Antidote to burnout workshop...

This team activity helps team members set positive intentions for a day, meeting, project, event or...

This team activity asks each member to anonymously share how they have contributed to a positive...

This team-building activity can help build resiliency through improved social support and...

This team-building activity encourages employees to reflect on past challenges and share coping...

Use these resources to discuss psychological health and safety policies and strategies with...

A team building activity to help acknowledge team accomplishments. Have employees share a success...

We can experience stress in both in person and virtual or remote work settings. This activity will...

This activity allows team members to examine different ranges of emotional responses and what...

An activity to calm the mind by relaxing the body...

An activity to help the mind focus on what is positive to balance out the need to deal with the...

An activity to help recognize the difference in tension and energy that even a couple minutes of...

This team-building activity helps us recognize how the way we respond to others in person and...