Guarding Minds – Indicators of workplace inclusion

Select statements from the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey were identified by the researchers as potential indicators of the level of inclusion at work.

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The statements below come from the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey. They were selected by researchers as indicators of the extent to which employees feel included in your organization.

In an organization where workplace inclusion is less likely to be a psychosocial risk, employees might say:

  • People treat each other with respect at work.
  • People from all backgrounds are treated fairly in my workplace.
  • I feel I am part of a community at work. 
  • My suggestions are considered at work. 
  • I feel lonely when working.
  • People with mental health issues are supported to do their jobs effectively. 
  • People with physical health issues are supported to do their jobs effectively. 
  • I am able to do my job in a way that aligns with my values. 
  • My employer makes efforts to prevent harm to employees from discrimination. 
  • It is safe to speak up at work. 
  • My employer makes efforts to prevent harm to employees from bullying. 
  • I am not being treated unfairly at work because I have a mental illness at work. 
  • I am not being bullied at work. 
  • I am not being harassed (verbally, physically, or sexually) at work. 
  • I am not experiencing discrimination at work. 
  • I am recognized for good performance.

Review responses in Evidence-based actions for inclusion and more information at Inclusion strategies for leaders.  

Guarding Minds at Work was commissioned by Canada Life and additional resources are supported by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health.

Explore more information or begin using the survey tools.

Contributors include:Dan BilskerDavid K. MacDonaldDr. Heather StuartDr. Ian M. F. ArnoldDr. Joti SamraDr. Martin ShainMary Ann BayntonMerv GilbertPhilip PerczakSarah JennerSusan JakobsonWorkplace Strategies team 2022 to present

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