Managing co-worker reactions to accommodation

Strategies to deal with employee fears, concerns or resentments about their co-worker's accommodation. Unresolved issues can impact the success of disability accommodation.

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Co-worker reactions can impact the success of an accommodation or return to work. Address these issues with the co-worker privately without sharing personal information about the employee being accommodated. .

Assess the situation

  • What does the co-worker already know, or think they know, about the situation?
    • It's normal for others to have opinions about the absence or accommodation of a co-worker. Sometimes the opinion comes from assumptions. For example, if the issue is mental illness, co-workers may react negatively to the myths and stereotypes of the illness. If this is the case, you may want to consider the need for broader mental health education.
  • What has the co-worker experienced that may be impacting their concern?
    • Accommodating return to work can become complicated if co-workers have strong reactions to it. This is especially true if conflict or performance were problems before the leave. Learn how the co-worker may have been affected.
  • What are they concerned might be a problem going forward?
    • Co-workers may be experiencing fear, anxiety or frustration. It's possible that they may be worried about emotional outbursts. They may expect an increase in their workload. These fears have the potential to negatively impact both the co-worker and the employee who is returning. Seek to understand exactly what the fears are and address them.
  • How do they feel they might interact with the employee going forward?
    • Co-workers may feel uncertain about how or if to approach their colleague. They may feel uncomfortable and avoid interacting.  In turn, the employee who is being accommodated may then experience shame, embarrassment or fear and not know what to say. Responding to co-worker questions may be helpful for the employee who is returning to work. They'll find suggestions to help control the situation and make it easier for everyone.

Address fears or concerns

  • Investigate the validity of any fears.
    • While some fears may be unfounded the impact can still be serious. To address these fears, take time to educate your team on the matter. If there is validity to the fears, then a plan to ease or reduce them becomes necessary. This plan should include safeguards, processes and strategies that address the risks. 
  • Be clear with all stakeholders about what is inappropriate behaviour.
    • No matter the situation, never accept violent, threatening or harassing behaviour in the workplace. Engage everyone to help create a list of behaviours that cross the line of acceptability. This list should be specific and measurable. 
    • People with mental health issues are no more likely to be violent than the general population. In fact, they are more likely to be the victims. (Source: Canadian Mental Health Association)
  • Communicate the plan for promptly responding to inappropriate behaviour.
    • Make sure that all employees are aware of the protocol for reporting aggressive or other anti-social behaviour. 
    •  Management should have a protocol to respond to those reports. This will help the staff feel reassured that their safety is important. See Harassment and bullying prevention.
  • Assure all employees that their right to a safe workplace will be protected.
    • Employees have a right to a safe work environment. Show them that there is a process in place to ensure this. 
    • For a general set of recommendations on how to help someone experiencing serious mental illness check out Psychosis and how to help in a crisis.

Address other co-worker issues

  • Resolve any outstanding conflicts
    • Addressing existing problems or fears can be important for successful return to work. Find out what would be a reasonable necessity for the co-workers to have a healthier work relationship. But be aware of the difference between determining who is right or wrong and finding a way forward. Instead of having employees defend their positions help them to find a way forward. This allows each party to move past their history while still being respectful to each other. Learn how to respond to conflict while protecting everyone's dignity.
  • Reduce accusations of bullying and harassment
    • Help your team develop an understanding of what psychologically safe interactions are. Show them how to recognize which behaviours may come across differently then intended. 
  • Improve workplace culture
    • Sometimes, the issue isn't problems between coworkers, but a general issue with the culture at work. If the workplace sees plenty of chronic stress, tension or anxiety you may need to consider change at the organizational level. Address organizational or systemic issues with Guarding Minds at Work. For a different approach see Putting organizational culture on the agenda. You can also use Organizational culture questions to help identify areas of strength and consider ideas to develop a psychologically safer culture.
  • Address the impact on the workload of co-workers.
    • You'll need to address how the returning employee may impact other co-workers. Make sure to do this while protecting the employee’s privacy. For example, it's possible that some of the returning employee's duties may need to be re-assigned. If this is the case, you may want to involve the co-workers on how to integrate these changes. They'll be able to share their current  priorities and which responsibilities they’d feel comfortable taking on.
  • Consider the how any of the employee’s performance issues may impact co-workers.
    • Resentment from having to take on or correct a co-worker’s work can happen. This may be more harmful than the task itself may have been for the employee. Consider the reaction of co-workers when developing accommodation plans that will affect them. The returning employee might be able to anticipate co-worker reactions. They may also have ideas on how to alter their plan so it is better received. This discussion can help avoid negative reactions.
  • Be clear that working together professionally is a condition of employment
    • All employees need to understand that they have a duty to be professional at work. They must refrain from harassment and discrimination as it's a condition of employment. It should also be clear that there is no requirement to be friends or to trust each other. The only requirement is for professional and psychologically safe interactions. Discrimination prevention and inclusivity and Conflict response for leaders offer more information to help address these issues.
  • Be prompt and consistent in addressing any future issues
    • Sometimes there is a tendency to "medicalize" performance or behaviour issues. It's important to note that respecting an employee's privacy does not prevent you from addressing inappropriate behaviour. This can help reduce the risk of relapse for the employee who has experienced mental illness while also improving workplace culture.

Adapted with permission from an article written by Mary Ann Baynton for the Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association.

Contributors include:Mary Ann BayntonOntario Occupational Health Nurses Association

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