Stress reduction videos

Learn how to relax and reduce stress through this four-part video series. These videos can be viewed with a headset while sitting at a desk.

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This virtual wellness program is led by Michael Apollo and permission to link to these free video resources has been generously provided by the University Health Network (UHN). Feedback is welcome and can be provided to


Wellness at University Health Network (UHN)... You're well worth it.


Part 1 of 4 - Introduction

This session will include an explanation of why these techniques are important for us all, and how they can assist us in coping with stress and improving the quality of our lives.

Part 2 of 4 - Harvard Relaxation Response

This session will include an introductory daily practice to elicit the Relaxation Response using a simple Mindfulness breath and body meditation exercise for stress reduction and deep relaxation.

Part 3 of 4 - Stress Management

This session will include Stress Management - A three-minute breathing practice that you help you let go of overanalyzing and associating yourself with thoughts. This tool can be used before, during and after a stressful or traumatic experience to help diffuse its impact on the mind and body.

Part 4 of 4 - Deep Conscious Sleep

This session will include a deep relaxation 15-minute practice to help reduce stress and sleep disorders, and to cultivate awareness and a meditative state.

Why UHN Created These Resources:

University Health Network (UHN) Wellness programs are designed to reach out to all hospital employees, physicians, volunteers and students, but their focus is the front-line clinical staff, the organizations largest group of staff. Noting that shift work, often long commutes and caring for complexly sick individuals makes the provision of wellness programs to this group a challenge, the wellness centre staff, with external assistance, created virtual wellness programs that UHN staff can access from anywhere, 24/7.

Thank you to the UHN Computer User Support Program for creating these videos, specifically Roland Karkada and Tricia Pariag-Sadko; participants Elise Manera, Irene Wright and Gio Cumming; Wellness Manager Alison Cocking and Michael Apollo, the program's "creator".

Additional resources

Managing stress. Learn how to manage your reactions to stress and protect your well-being.

Contributors include:Alison CockingCindy PlunkettElise ManeraGio CummingIrene WrightMary Ann BayntonMichael ApolloTricia Pariag-Sadko

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