Microlearning modules

Sometimes we need to learn a new skill in a hurry. To help you with this, we have taken some of our most popular and practical skills and broken them down into short learning modules. We will continue to build this library for you so if there is a topic you would like but don’t see, Contact us and let us know. Your suggestion might be our next micro-learning module! 

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Avoid blame and shame

Avoiding blame and shame will help you to learn how to:

  • Provide constructive criticism that avoids defensiveness
  • Keep others positive and motivated
  • Build better relationships

Learn more at Avoid blaming and shaming or Why blame and shame don't work for leaders.

Use the Avoid blame and shame infographic | PDF as a reminder of the avoid blame and shame concepts.

An accessible version is also available.

Before you say no

Before you say no will help you to learn how to:

  • Avoid people feeling dismissed or disrespected
  • Discover the underlying need in any request
  • Give people what they need without necessarily giving what they ask for
  • Build better relationships

Learn more at Before you say no or Before you say no for leaders.

Use the Before you say no infographic | PDF as a reminder of the before you say no concepts. 

An accessible version is also available.

Communicating with clarity

Communicating with clarity will help you to learn:

  • How you say things is as important as the words you choose
  • What you say can be interpreted in many ways 
  • How you can avoid triggering defensiveness
  • That good communication builds respect and trust

Learn more at Communicating with clarity.

Use the Communicating with clarity infographic | PDF as a reminder of the concepts of communicating with clarity. 

An accessible version is also available.

Coping with change

The coping with change module will help you learn to: 

  • Recognize change
  • Use critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence to enhance your coping strategies
  • Learn how to navigate change by following a suggested approach

Learn more at Coping with change.

Use the Coping with change infographic | PDF as a reminder of the 5 As to help cope with change.

An accessible version is also available.

Dealing with a stressful boss

The dealing with a stressful boss module will help you learn to: 

  • Communicate with your manager when there's tension
  • Work with your manager's style
  • Manage stress

Learn more at Dealing with a stressful boss.

Use the Dealing with a stressful boss infographic | PDF as a reminder of the dealing with a stressful boss concepts.

An accessible version is also available.

Distinguish acknowledgment from agreement

The distinguish acknowledgement from agreement module will help you to learn how to:

  • Have productive conversations with people who are upset
  • Avoid a defensive or angry reaction
  • Build better relationships

Learn more at Distinguish acknowledgement from agreement.

Use the Distinguish acknowledgment from agreement infographic | PDF as a reminder of the concepts of distinguish acknowledgement from agreement. 

An accessible version is also available.

Getting employee commitment for leaders

Getting employee commitment will help leaders learn how to:

  • Manage expectations of employees
  • Take a coaching approach to increase collaboration and innovation 
  • Get employees to commit to a plan rather than ordering them to comply
  • Improve performance and engagement

Learn more at Getting employee commitment for leaders.

Use the Getting employee commitment for leaders infographic | PDF as a reminder of the getting employee commitment over compliance concepts.

An accessible version is also available.

Listen to understand

The listening to understand will help you to learn:

  • Practical applications including skills and strategies to be an empathetic listener
  • The power of silence
  • Effective ways to manage nonverbal communication
  • How to understand others' perspectives

Learn more at Listen to understand or Listening to understand for leaders.

Use the Listen to understand infographic | PDF as a reminder of the listening to understand concepts.

An accessible version is also available.

New job or role

The new job or role module will help you to:

  • Be successful in a new job or role
  • Find out what's expected of you
  • Foster positive relationships
  • Support your success

Learn more at Starting a job.

Use the New job or role infographic | PDF as a reminder of the new job or role tips.

An accessible version is also available.

Resolving personal conflict

The resolving personal conflict module will help you to: 

  • Understand unmet needs
  • Manage tough situations
  • Work through conflict

Learn more at Resolving personal conflict.

Use the Resolving personal conflict infographic | PDF as a reminder of the concepts of Resolving personal conflict.

An accessible version is also available.

Setting workload boundaries

This module will help you to set workload boundaries at work.

Learn more at Setting healthy boundaries at work.

Use the Setting workload boundaries infographic | PDF for the setting workload boundaries concepts.

An accessible version is also available.

Using appreciative inquiry

This appreciative inquiry module will help you learn to:

  • Have solution-seeking conversations about difficult issues
  • Use a positive and supportive approach
  • Trust that each person can be capable
  • Co-create solutions that keep people engaged and committed
  • Avoid defensiveness in your discussions

Learn more at Use appreciative inquiry.

Use the Using appreciative inquiry infographic | PDF as a reminder of the appreciative inquiry model concepts.

An accessible version is also available.

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